
Poet Lauren Camp

“The experience of listening, sharing and writing were all nested in safety. The contributions of others were rich and personal. Lauren affirmed everyone’s efforts to come to writing in a way that would work for them.”

— a recent student


From Wild Mind to Experience: Writing in All Directions

This workshop offers inspiration in all genres—fiction, memoir, poetry. We’ll read, discuss and write, using unconventional prompts, craft discussions and exercises. We’ll build listening skills, word banks and approaches, always searching to understand and capture emotion, and finding alternatives to traditional ways of phrasing.
Online class offered through Zoom • Ten participants at any level

Wednesdays • July 17 to August 7 • 2:00 to 4pm MT

FULLContact Lauren to get on the waiting list

How to Make Luck: Writing in Praise of the Ordinary

With so many things to worry over, we need to keep finding joy and celebrating gratitude. This feel–good workshop will help you write in praise of small beauties, large events or anything in between. Learn how to move beyond the obvious like and love into the deeper and more magnificent why. We will map at least one wonderfully ordinary element of our lives, lifting the subject up and enriching it with the finest elements of craft and wild attention.

The Surprising Form of Memory: Writing Pantoums

The ancient pantoum is the ideal form for writing about the past. With a little direction, even uncertain writers are eased into shaping their crystalline memories, and more experienced writers will have the chance to delve into subjects that might not have opened up for them before. Excitement builds quickly as students follow the form through to its ending. We may also look at other structures that can widen a poet’s perspective.

Plate Tectonics: Building Richer Poems through Shifts and Layers

Sometimes a poem you’ve been working on just isn’t getting where you want it to go. You might need a seismic shift, or you might simply need to plant a new seed in what you thought was hardened ground. A poem can often be made deeper and more resonant with time and a few techniques.

This workshop will help you integrate and overlap approaches that will help the poem evolve. Come prepared to work (or really play!) with new ideas and directions. Open to writers at all levels.

Person to Person: Gaining Perspective

How many ways can you widen your focus? How can you find new stories and perspectives to tell? In this generative workshop, we’ll explore the idea of character through a number of lenses you won’t expect—sometimes celebrating ordinary concerns, sometimes finding incredible wisdom outside of ourselves. Understanding is all around us. During this course, we will engage with poems that will get you thinking about craft in new ways.

Poems are Time and Poems are Conversation

This generative session will ease you toward insights. Come prepared to read and discuss work by established poets. Then we’ll breathe into our own perspectives on contemporary society, landscapes and history. Expect direction, both loose and clear, that leads you to a natural unfolding. We’ll use this time to turn around our typical tone and syntax—and end the class by sharing writing in this supportive environment.

Writing into Place

Almost everyone has a previous place they’ve lived. Some have been many places, leaving footsteps and fingerprints all around. Let’s return to some of those vistas and doorways and rooms, passing through again to find their important moments in your history. Expect to be surprised by how far your memory stretches.