
Worn Smooth between Devourings

NYQ Books • September 2023

“Wildly original, dense with beauty and startle and riotously rich language, these poems explore their subjects—fire and climate, connection to the land and to one another—with urgency and empathy, and acknowledge the many ways we can be capsized by crisis and wonder alike. Worn Smooth between Devourings is an exhilarating collection.”

— Catherine Pierce

“This book captures the lifeblood of our experiences down to each crucial moment and image.”

— Saddiq Dzukogi

Buy a signed copy from Lauren.


An Eye in Each Square

River River Books • June 2023

This collection is part social critique, part imaginative biography of enigmatic painter Agnes Martin, and part treatise on the multiplicities of the natural world.

“Perhaps the finest collection of the year…”

Columbia Daily Tribune

“The artist Agnes Martin slips in and out of Lauren Camp’s An Eye in Each Square like a wraith, an invisible companion.”

Rain Taxi

“The paintings and mind of artist Agnes Martin echo through the very structure of these poems. In fact, Martin is the book’s structure. She is a form like a sonnet is a form. ‘I notice Agnes sits / and frames the room and the room where she sits is built reliable / around her,’ Camp writes, illuminating the fact that ekphrasis is no contrivance. It is a cosmology. These poems are ‘slow and persuasive.’ They move like the sea, mirror the stillness of the sky, mapping and refining a deep interiority.”

— Diane Seuss

“This gathering of textures, the edges of what is speakable, the emotional collage in words, is an impossibility achieved.”

Tupelo Quarterly

Purchase from the publisher or buy a signed copy from Lauren.

Took House by Lauren Camp


  • Winner
    American Fiction Award in Poetry
  • Finalist
    National Indie Excellence Awards
  • Finalist
    New Mexico-Arizona Book Award
  • Distinguished Favorite
    Independent Press Award
  • Finalist
    Southwest Book Design & Production Awards

Took House

Tupelo Press • 2020

Lauren Camp’s Took House is an astonishing, enchanted world of nature and cityscape, interior terrains, art-making and witnessing all at once.

— Hala Alyan

“The poems knew something about me, something I didn’t know, or couldn’t articulate. The poems did the saying, the impossible saying, for me.”

Kasey Jueds, The Rumpus

Purchase from the publisher or buy a signed copy from Lauren.

Turquoise Door


  • Finalist
    New Mexico-Arizona Book Award

Turquoise Door

3: A Taos Press • 2018

“Every time I read Lauren Camp, I’m reminded of how extraordinary she is—the complexities managed with sophistication and grace. This time, Camp honors Mabel Dodge Luhan, creating a myth and culture of her country, orbiting New Mexico with icons D.H. Lawrence, Willa Cather, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Ansel Adams. But the poet’s relationship—in dialogue with her creation—is the book’s main character.”

— Grace Cavalieri
Washington Independent Review of Books

Purchase from the publisher

One Hundred Hungers by Lauren Camp
  • Dorset Prize
    Judged by David Wojahn
  • Finalist
    Arab American Book Award
  • Finalist
    Sheila Margaret Motton Book Prize
  • Finalist
    Housatonic Book Award

One Hundred Hungers

Tupelo Press • 2016

In this collection, Lauren Camp explores the lives of a first-generation Arab-American girl and her Jewish-Iraqi parent. One Hundred Hungers tells overlapping stories of food and ritual, immigration and adaptation, evoking Baghdad in the 1940s at a time when tensions began to emerge along ethnic and religious lines. She also draws upon memories of Sabbath dinners in America to reveal how family culture persists.

“One of the most sensuous books you’ll ever read.”

Electric Lit

Purchase from the publisher or buy a signed copy from Lauren.

The Dailiness, Poems by Lauren Camp
  • National Federation
    of Press Women Poetry Prize

The Dailiness

Edwin E. Smith Publishing • 2013

The volatile compounds at the core of Lauren Camp’s second book are poems of the coiled environment and tremendous loss. She writes, perhaps wryly, perhaps optimistically, “either we’re standing in disordered light before the disappointment, or it’s after.”

“Her work moves us, challenges us and ultimately elevates us.”

J Journal

“We are immersed in the connections of what is directly in front of us with metaphors that guide us to recognoze where we fit.”

   — Sin Fronteras/Writers Without Borders

Buy a signed copy from Lauren.

This Business of Wisdom,Poems by Lauren Camp

This Business of Wisdom

West End Press • 2010

“She takes us on wisdom’s precise road trip, where the emotional and daily news collide and the personal and political cohabit and provide counterpoint. And we are willing travelers.”

Joan Logghe

“This is a beautiful collection of wide-ranging poems that skillfully and lovingly evoke ‘the wisdom of the messy world.’”

Valerie Martinez

Buy a signed copy from Lauren.
